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English Books
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حسابك لائحة الأمنيات عربة التسوق نشرة الإصدارات
ترتيب حسب:
Miracles and the Concept of Impossibility: The Resurrection and the Shroud of Turin
لـ Anthony Walsh | Vernon Press | 10/01/2023
ورقي غلاف عادي
شحن مخفض

The Anthropic Principle: A Universe Built for Man
لـ Anthony Walsh | Vernon Press | 25/11/2022
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God, Science, and Society: The Origin of the Universe, Intelligent Life, and Free Societies
لـ Anthony Walsh | Vernon Press | 11/02/2020
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A Nation Divided: The Conflicting Personalities, Visions, and Values of Liberals and Conservatives
لـ Anthony Walsh | Vernon Press | 19/07/2019
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Answering the New Atheists: How Science Points to God and to the Benefits of Christianity
لـ Anthony Walsh | Vernon Press | 04/05/2018
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Gavel and Sickle: The Supreme Court, Cultural Marxism, and the Assault on Christianity
لـ Anthony Walsh | Vernon Press | 07/03/2018
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Taboo Issues in Social Science: Questioning Conventional Wisdom
لـ Anthony Walsh | Vernon Press | 02/08/2017
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